Grounded Logo white

your old website is already green with envy.

in today’s market, you need a website that moves as fast as you do, social graphics as strong as your message, and marketing as unique, creative, and original as you are. we want to transform you from just an option to the only option. 

your old website is already green with envy.

in today’s market, you need a website that moves as fast as you do, social graphics as strong as your message, and marketing as unique, creative, and original as you are. we want to transform you from just an option to the only option. 

your website is ready to take root in fertile soil.

our website design integrates all your branding elements into a seamless and user-friendly experience that speaks to your audiences while communicating your differentiators. On the surface, sure, we make things look better, cleaner, and more pleasing. never forgetting the user-experience. 

our project sites

web design packages

your website is the front door to your business. so let’s make it nice. and work for you.


landing page


3 page


6 page


10 page


15 page



our web design process

we take your brief and get to know your needs. we go deep at the grounded agency co. we want to know the who, the what, and the why.  

you will get a quote with a project timeline and expected turnaround time. 

once you approve the estimate and the deposits are paid, your web design is scheduled into the studio. 

we take the time to do our own research to make sure all bases are covered. 

our team will go to work designing your website according to our findings.

once the design work is complete, the first draft will be presented to you.

 we revise the design based on your feedback. when you are satisfied, we sign off the work. 

ready to get started?

we don’t believe that brands are simply “launched.” Instead, we take the time to carefully nurture, cultivate, and grow your brand—from the seed of an initial brainwave into a fully realized, living idea that announces itself truthfully.

get in touch